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아기들 아토피에 좋은 올개닉 크림

마더후드 조회 수 10089 추천 수 0 2013.07.30 19:46:20

아기가 태어난지 얼마 않됐는데 아토피 증상이 있다면, 캐리포니아베이비 아토피 샴푸와 크림을 권합니다.

캘리포니아베이비가 생각보다 가격은 비싸지만, 아기로션이나 크림으로는 전세계적으로 유명한 제품입니다.

그 만큼 화학원료를 거의 쓰지 않지요.


아기들의 아토피 피부에는 약이 없다는 말도 있습니다.

항생제나 의약품은 바로 효과를 볼 수는 있지만 화학반응의 부작용도 걱정되고,

많은 분들이 베이비 로션이나 크림 또는 여러가지 자연 요법을 권하고 있는 실정입니다.


캘리포니아베이비 크림의 장점은 알레르기를 일르키는 콩, 단백질, 견과류, 우유등이 첨가되지 않았고,

발암물질인 파라벤, 인공향, 인공색소등의 화학제품이 첨가되지 않아서 미국환경단체인

EWG로 부터 최고 안전등급을 받은 제품으로 유명합니다.


웹사이트( www.californiababy.com)를 보면 자세한 설명과 더불어 제품도 바로 구입할 수도 이고요, 아래에영문이지만  베이비 아토피를 위한 제품셋트(샴프와 크림)를 그림과 함께 간단히 소개합니다.



Therapeutic Relief Eczema Care Set - click to enlarge

Age: Newborn and older
For Use: For hair, face & body.
Scent: No fragrance

Product description - Eczema Shampoo & Bodywash: Saying no to steroids is possible when you use California Baby® Therapeutic Relief Eczema Shampoo & Bodywash, a unique blend of plant extracts, like certified organically grown and processed calendula, soapbark and aloe vera that work harmoniously with the healing active of colloidal oatmeal (contains gluten), which is an FDA approved plant based ingredient. But, regular colloidal oatmeal isn뭪 good enough for California Baby: we want certified organic! So, we searched and found a colloidal oatmeal that is grown and processed organically, while at the same time meeting the FDA뭩 standards for an Over-the-Counter drug product to treat eczema. Using certified organic ingredients is always more expensive than regular, but we think it뭩 worth it for the health and safety of your family (and Mother Nature)! Colloidal oatmeal is a natural active that is extremely effective in soothing and healing cracked and irritated skin due to eczema or rashes. California Baby® Therapeutic Relief Eczema Shampoo & Bodywash is free of steroids, sulfates, fragrance, dyes and alcohol. This California Baby 2-in-1 low-foaming cleanser is the perfect treatment for hair, face and body because it helps to protect, relieve and restore the natural skin barrier for all skin types — newborn and up! So gentle, it cleanses without stripping away natural oils, while adding a layer of moisture and protection — your skin actually feels softer and less dry after cleansing! California Baby Therapeutic Relief Eczema Shampoo & Bodywash also soothes scalp while leaving hair shiny and manageable. For maximum results, use this wash with in combination with California Baby Therapeutic Relief Eczema Cream. No wheat, barley, soy or dairy. Contains gluten (oatmeal). For those with gluten sensitivities, try our Therapeutic Relief Skin Protectant products. They soothe and protect with the active ingredient of Allantoin, which is completely gluten free.

Application tip: When bathing, keep water temperature on the cool side, as eczema tends to flare up as the temperature rises.

For Grownups: Perfect for grown-ups and teenagers alike in soothing irritated, raw, itchy and acne prone skin.

Benefits & Features:

  • Contains organic and sustainably grown ingredients
  • Certified organic Colloidal Oatmeal (contains gluten)
  • Helps prevent and relieve eczema
  • Two products in one; use head-to-toe
  • Great for babies, kids or adults with eczema
  • Non-stripping of natural oils
  • Safe and gentle, no tears; no numbing agents
  • Non-irritating and non-chemical formula
  • Allergy tested
  • Safe and gentle
  • Vegan formula

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