Who is Jesus?

Education 조회 수 3542 추천 수 0 2011.12.29 07:27:49
wonyil *.240.43.189

From: ChristianToday


Who is Jesus?



“But what about you?” He (Jesus) asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ (or Messiah), the Son of the living God.”

Matthew 16:15-16, NIV


Probably most of us would agree with Peter that Jesus is the Messiah and is God’s Son. This is the very foundation of the Christian faith, and Jesus went on to tell Peter that on this rock (the statement of who Christ is) He would build His Church, of which you and I are part if we too believe.


 But Jesus’ question still remains a challenging one. If I say He is the Christ, why do I have any fear? Why do I struggle with uncertainties in daily life? Why does my faith leave me when life gets really tough? There are no easy answers. The question of suffering will not be fully understood until we get to Heaven. Although we may not be able to alter certain situations, our reactions to them will show how far we’ve come in our own journey of healing, deliverance and discipleship.


 Some years ago I was in an extremely difficult situation in my life, and I and the people around me couldn’t see a way through. Although desperate, I knew, deep down, with an unshakeable knowledge, that God would look after me. He would see me through and I would land on my feet. This did eventually happen, and now I know more than ever that God will never let me down.

 So what about today, in the small things as well as the big? Let’s go back to Jesus’ question. Who do you say He is? Who do I say He is? If He is the Christ, the Son of God, as He says He is, how is that going to affect the way I go through today – my actions, my words, my relationships, my attitudes and my thoughts?



Thank You, Jesus, that You are indeed the Christ, the Son of God. Even demons know that and flee. Thank You that You care for and love me, even though, too often, I do things in my own strength. Help me to remember and understand who You are, in all Your sovereignty. May this knowledge influence everything I am and do throughout today. Amen.


Today's Writer

Sue Wright is married with a son at University and three grown up stepdaughters. She has a heart to see people being set free through healing and discipleship. She and her husband Andrew are Team Pastors at Ellel Grange, UK. In her spare time she enjoys walking, cycling, gardening and music.

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