Lawyer Urges Removal of 'God' From Court Oath in Scotland

World 조회 수 8504 추천 수 0 2011.12.27 07:30:37
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From: ChristianPost

Lawyer Urges Removal of 'God' From Court Oath in Scotland

A lawyer in Scotland has called for the abolition of the religious court oath, quoting an increasing number of atheists in the country.

"Historically swearing, an oath to God served two purposes; firstly, the religious aspect is that the witness is promising to tell the truth and shall answer to God if they lie in court," lawyer Sean Templeton wrote in a piece for The Scottish Herald, published Monday. "Secondly, the legal aspect is that the witnesses' status changes from an everyday citizen to a person whose answers to questions must be truthful as otherwise they are committing an offence, and potentially a very serious offence."

The current oath in the United Kingdom is: "I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

Its secular version, a statement of affirmation, reads: "I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

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